Don’t Post This Online

Being a parent in today’s world isn’t easy. With social media now a part of everyday life you’re likely to feel overly secure online. The threats don’t seem real. The horror stories you hear are likely to be chalked up to sensationalist reporting and a “that couldn’t happen to me” mentality.

Regardless of where you stand on the spectrum of online security we’ve compiled the top 5 things you should never be posting online, regardless of how comfortable you feel. You’ll thank us later.

  1. Partial or fully nude photos of children. Sorry, we know those pictures of Jr., in the bathtub with his yellow rubber ducky are likely too cute for words, but there are a lot of unstable people out there who could steal the picture and use it for less than honorable purposes. We’ve heard stories of baby pictures being stolen and used by desperate women who claimed they were their children.
  2. Your address and/or phone number. This may seem like a given, however, you would be surprised at the amount of people willing to post their address on their Facebook page. People don’t really use the post and if someone needs your address they’ll more than likely e-mail or text you for it. And please, heed this rule doubly if you Facebook or other social media accounts are public.
  3. Vacation plans. Even if you’re planning an incredible vacation at a 5 star resort on your own private island spare the rest of the social media world from hearing about it. Not only will you avoid looking like a total braggart, but you’ll also protect your home from potential invasion. Telling people you’ll be out of town on a specific date is like inviting them to walk in and take whatever they want.
  4. Possible passwords. Yes, your cat fluffy is adorable and everyone loves the pictures you post of her…daily. The problem is that anybody who knows how obsessed you are with fluffy could try a variety of password combinations that include her name and likely guess your password within a few tries. Save yourself the hassle and avoid hinting at your password.
  5. Anything you don’t wants shared. It sounds like common sense, but it turns out common sense isn’t so, well, common. As you determine what you share online consider whether it’s something you would want your boss to see or even worse… your parents and children.