Firestick Farming - 08/26/2011
Apsidal Precession (Perihelion Precession) and Milankovitch Cycles - 08/26/2011
What Causes Precession and Other Orbital Changes - 08/26/2011
Precession Causing Perihelion to Happen Later - 08/26/2011
Are Southern Hemisphere Seasons More Severe? - 08/26/2011
Milankovitch Cycles Precession and Obliquity - 08/26/2011
How Earth's Tilt Causes Seasons - 08/26/2011
Seasons Aren't Dictated by Closeness to Sun - 08/26/2011
Introduction to Light - 08/26/2011
Development of Agrilculture and Writing - 08/26/2011
Correction Calendar Notation - 08/26/2011
Understanding Calendar Notation - 08/26/2011
Human Evolution Overview - 08/26/2011
Detectable Civilizations in our Galaxy 5 - 08/26/2011
Detectable Civilizations in our Galaxy 4 - 08/26/2011
Detectable Civilizations in our Galaxy 3 - 08/26/2011
Detectable Civilizations in our Galaxy 2 - 08/26/2011
Detectable Civilizations in our Galaxy 1 - 08/26/2011
Scale of the Small - 08/26/2011
Scale of the Large - 08/26/2011